Office Scripts: Generate Custom GUID(s)

Office Scripts in Excel is an automation alternative to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Macros are still recorded as a series of actions, but now, these steps are performed using TypeScript, which a superset language of JavaScript. Assuming everything is licensed and configured correctly, everyone should see an Automate tab along the top of their … Continue reading Office Scripts: Generate Custom GUID(s)

MS Lists: Power Automate Connectors

Microsoft Lists are powerful. Especially when they're used to organize things like project tasks, support requests, product logs, etc. But regardless of the list's purpose, lists are created for either the individual or the group. If the individual, then the list is created in that person's [OneDrive for Business] site. Otherwise, the list is saved … Continue reading MS Lists: Power Automate Connectors

SharePoint Online: Sync vs OneDrive Shortcut

Microsoft 365 is ever changing. Released many, many months ago, Add shortcut to OneDrive remains a mystery to some people. This is different than Sync, right? Figure 1 - SharePoint Online Contextual Menu options. Somewhat different, but a lot of the same. Even so, the shortcut link delivers on its promise. Shortcuts link to specific … Continue reading SharePoint Online: Sync vs OneDrive Shortcut

Power Apps: Recreating… Netflix

Second entry of this series, a rough mock-up for another Power App. The first recreation was an Intagram-esque app created using two galleries. Likely an oversimplification, but Netflix is also two galleries at its core; although the galleries are used differently. For this Power App, the horizontal gallery is nested within the vertical gallery: Figure … Continue reading Power Apps: Recreating… Netflix

Power Automate: Microsoft’s “Rube Goldberg Machine”

The Microsoft 365 suite is a collection of cloud-based solutions: Outlook Online,SharePoint Online,Microsoft Teams,etc. Also included in this ensemble is Power Automate, Microsoft's workflow solution. Power Automate flows can use dozens (and dozens) of connectors to link both Microsoft and non-Microsoft solutions into automated processes: TwitterAsanaMailChimpYouTubeSalesforceetc. Essentially, an action triggers the process, then a series … Continue reading Power Automate: Microsoft’s “Rube Goldberg Machine”

Microsoft 365 (The Cloud): Things You Can’t Break

Oversimplifying the cloud, it is subscribing to a company's infrastructure to store and access your files; Microsoft in this example. And with this subscription model, you may also have access to some of their software services. Keep in mind that these files and services are accessed via the internet. But you are NEVER granted too … Continue reading Microsoft 365 (The Cloud): Things You Can’t Break

OneDrive: Hidden List (SharePoint Home Cache List – Part II)

The series has finally reached a conclusion. The final list, SharePointHomeCacheList, had so many items that it was divided into two posts. Part I spotlighted 3 list items and Part II will cover two additional items... E.g., export of list object in PowerShell ISE. Get target items $api = "/sites/$($siteGuid)/lists/$($listGuid)/items" $api += "?expand=fields" $lst1 = … Continue reading OneDrive: Hidden List (SharePoint Home Cache List – Part II)

OneDrive for Business: Default Open Behavior of Office Files

[OneDrive for Business] is typically synced locally to a user's computer. However, Microsoft is embracing a browser-first model for many of their roll-outs. Because of this, everyone should get more comfortable working within the browser. But heavy Office users often aren't impressed with the Online versions. Instead of choosing to open their Excel, Word, and … Continue reading OneDrive for Business: Default Open Behavior of Office Files

OneDrive: Hidden List (SharePoint Home Cache List)

Auditing [OneDrive for Business] sites with PowerShell and the Microsoft Graph API uncovered several hidden lists. The SharePointHomeCacheList is one of these lists, but it offers more information than the previously discussed lists. Continuing the trend of examination: Create script variables. [System.String] $endUserAccount = "" $endUserAccount = $endUserAccount.Replace("@", "_").Replace(".", "_") [System.String] $tenantName = "contoso" [System.String] … Continue reading OneDrive: Hidden List (SharePoint Home Cache List)

OneDrive: Hidden List (Access Requests)

So yeah, this was an unintentional blog series. Welcome to part 4 out of #shrugs because there were more hidden lists than expected... But this time, there's a "request" to audit access requests of an individual's [OneDrive for Business] account. E.g., a PDF was shared with an external collaborator. Create the script variables. [System.String] $endUserAccount … Continue reading OneDrive: Hidden List (Access Requests)

OneDrive: Hidden List (Notifications)

[OneDrive for Business] sites are [SharePoint Online] site collections. Because of this, the ODfB sites have hidden lists which are discoverable using scripted solutions. Another of these hidden lists track user notifications. The Microsoft Graph API is again capable of querying the list and its items for reporting... E.g., list user notification types. To begin, … Continue reading OneDrive: Hidden List (Notifications)

OneDrive: Hidden List (User Activity)

[OneDrive for Business] sites are [SharePoint Online] site collections. Because of this, ODfB sites have hidden lists which are discoverable using scripted solutions. One of these hidden lists is tasked with tracking user activity. The Microsoft Graph API is again helpful to query these hidden list records for reporting... E.g., instances of user comments. To … Continue reading OneDrive: Hidden List (User Activity)

OneDrive: Hidden List (Sharing Links)

[OneDrive for Business] accounts are essentially [SharePoint Online] site collections. Because of this, ODfB sites also have several hidden lists that are discoverable with scripted solutions. One hidden list is titled Sharing Links and it keeps a record of shared items. Though the Microsoft 365 Admin center has a nice OneDrive activity report, custom solutions … Continue reading OneDrive: Hidden List (Sharing Links)

Training Session: Graph API – OneDrive vs SharePoint

Microsoft has invested heavily into their Graph API which connects with the Office 365 services. The approach of old, CSOM, not so much as of late. But that makes sense considering the services are cloud-hosted. CSOM was perfect for solutions running on the application server, but [SharePoint Online] doesn't allow this. Going forward, the Graph … Continue reading Training Session: Graph API – OneDrive vs SharePoint